Инсбрукский университет

Listing Description

Университет Инсбрука — Leopold and Franz University of Innsbruck — public university located in Innsbruck, Austria, Tyrol. The university’s history begins with the founding of a church school, which in 1669 received the status of a city university by imperial decree from Leopold I. Later, the school was transformed into a lyceum, but during the reign of Emperor Franz II in 1862, the educational institution was reorganized and obtained university status. Today, the University of Innsbruck is one of the most prestigious universities in Austria, ranking 299th in the 2016 QS World University Rankings among the top 800 educational institutions. The main focus of the university is the training of specialists in the natural and humanities sciences, including medicine.


Innsbruck, Austria

Year of establishment



18 078

International students

6 323


QS Ranking



By fields of study

Field of Study QS 2023 Ranking
Natural sciences 264
Accounting and finance 329
Agriculture and forestry 350
Art and humanities 372

Advantages of the University of Innsbruck

The University of Innsbruck can be confidently called an educational center that offers a wide range of humanities, technical and medical specialties. The university has excelled in the study and teaching of subjects such as chemistry and pharmacy, physics and astronomy, as well as computer science. The University of Innsbruck also has a theological department, which is a great choice for students who want to dedicate their lives to serving the Catholic Church.

The University of Innsbruck has made it to the ranking of the best universities in the world thanks to its active research activities and excellent academic reputation. It is known for serious scientific developments in the field of chemistry and molecular biology. It is worth noting that it was the scientists of the University of Innsbruck who were the first to teleport an atom. The status of a prestigious research university is supported by the presence of several Nobel laureates among its graduates, including Victor Franz Hess (for discoveries in the field of physics in 1936) and Hans Fischer (for achievements in the field of chemistry in 1930). Like other strong research institutions, the University of Innsbruck publishes its own scientific journal, which features the results of research conducted by students and professors within the university.

Requirements for Admission to the University of Innsbruck

  • It is necessary to submit an electronic application through the LFU student platform, which is located on the official website of the University of Innsbruck. Prior registration in the system is required. The option with electronic applications is available only for future bachelors. Future masters and doctoral students must send a completed application form and a statement to the university’s email address.
  • The next step is to send a package of documents by regular mail (if desired, the documents can be delivered to the university’s admissions office in person). The list of documents includes a notarized copy and translation of the certificate of completion of secondary education and an application with grades, where a double apostille is affixed. The applicant will also need a document allowing him/her to study at universities in his/her own country or abroad (the certificate must be translated into English or German). It is important to note that applicants for bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral programs do not need to have their certificates or diplomas validated in Austria.
  • The list of documents is completed by an academic resume, a motivation letter, and a completed form, which the prospective student receives at the final stage of registration in the LFU system.
  • Education at the University of Innsbruck is conducted in German, but there are also programs in English, although they are very few (mostly available to master’s and doctoral students). To study for a bachelor’s degree, one must have a German language proficiency level of at least B2 (a certificate from the Goethe Institute is provided, and the exam can be taken in one of the official representative offices in the home country). Admission to the University of Innsbruck is possible without knowledge of the German language. In this case, the applicant will be offered to enroll in a preparatory course at the university, the cost of which is about 542


    per semester. At the end of the course, the applicant must pass a language exam, after which he/she is enrolled in the first year of the bachelor’s program.

  • For studying in English, the applicant must provide a language certificate with scores on the TOEFL test of at least 110 or IELTS with a score of at least 5.5.
  • Admission to the University of Innsbruck is carried out without exams based on the certificate or diploma, with the exception of certain specialties, including architecture, biology, pharmacology, chemistry, and computer disciplines – applicants to these faculties will have to pass specialized exams.

Document submission deadlines: for the winter semester – until September 5th, for the summer semester – until February 5th (requirements are the same for bachelor’s and master’s degrees).

Cost of Education and Scholarships at the University of Innsbruck

The tuition fee per semester at the University of Innsbruck for students from CIS countries does not exceed 806


. The university provides its study materials, but some printed materials will have to be purchased independently, which will cost about 22


per month.

Foreign students can live in a student dormitory, where the rent for a room ranges from 163


to 325


per month. If we consider the option of living in private apartments, this pleasure will cost a minimum of 271


per month for a one-room apartment. Buying food will cost about 325


, and transportation – approximately 43


per month (when using a discounted pass).

Foreign students have the right to receive a scholarship for studying at the University of Innsbruck, but mostly grants are provided by private organizations. To receive financial support, you need to independently submit an application to one of the private or government funds. In Austria, the distribution of scholarships and grants among foreign students is handled by the Austrian Agency for International Cooperation in Education and Research. You can submit an application to this agency. As a rule, scholarships are awarded to students who actively participate in research activities at the university. Financial assistance is provided for a year and amounts to about 433


per month.

The most attractive conditions for cooperation with talented students are offered by the Austrian private fund Mondi. It encourages students who excel in the natural sciences, economics, and computer technology. The total amount of the annual scholarship for one student is 13,002


. Grants are awarded to only 10-12 students each year.

Academic Calendar
















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About services

Образовательные программы

  • Магистратура
  • Докторантура

Программа Магистратура



Форма обучения



24 месяца




Социальные науки и управление

Экономика и управление бизнесом

Баллы по экзаменам

IELTS — 5.5, TOEFL iBT — 72

Дата начала обучения


Стоимость обучения




Программа Докторантура



Форма обучения



36 месяцев



Экономика и управление бизнесом

Стоимость обучения




Инфраструктура Инсбрукского университета

Инсбрукский университет располагает 15 специализированными факультетами, каждый из которых имеет собственное здание. Здания разбросаны по всему городу, поэтому общего кампуса нет. На территории теологического факультета расположена иезуитская церковь, которая до сих пор используется университетом.

Рядом с зданием факультета биологии находится ботанический сад Инсбрукского университета, а также несколько клиник медицинского факультета, которые являются государственными тирольскими больницами. Каждый корпус университета окружен парком с лиственными деревьями, где студенты могут отдохнуть в перерывах между занятиями. Во внутренних двориках часто можно увидеть монументальные фонтаны или небольшие питьевые фонтанчики.



Известные преподаватели и выпускники

  • Герман Игнац Бидерман — известный австрийский ученый, преподаватель и статистик, профессор конституционного права. Прославился своими работами по истории Австрии, статистике и этнографии. Преподавал математику и статистику в Университете Инсбрука в течение 5 лет.
  • Ханс Фишер — признанный во всем мире немецкий биохимик и химик-органик, получивший Нобелевскую премию в 1930 году за исследования состава и синтеза пигмента крови под названием «гемин».
  • Леопольд Бернхард Гегенбауэр — известный ученый, математик, прославился благодаря своим работам по теории чисел. В 1881 году занимал должность профессора в Инсбрукском университете.

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Об услугах

Удивительные факты о ВУЗе в Инсбруке

  • Вуз обладает своей собственной астрономической обсерваторией с 1905 года, здание которой разделено на две части — новую и старую. В новой располагаются самые современные технологии, а в старой обсерватории хранятся настоящие экспонаты, которые уже не используются для научной работы.
  • Более 4,000 профессоров и докторов наук заняты в Инсбрукском университете.
  • Студенты университета имеют возможность получить образование в Люблинском католическом университете в Польше или в Университете Нового Орлеана в США благодаря партнерским соглашениям, заключенным между этими учебными заведениями.